This hidden page contains an archive of content that was copy/pasted from the old Troop 171 website before the publish of this new weebly-based site. These items may be outdated or may be important to add back into this new site. This content should be reviewed and added or discarded.
Winter Backpacking

2022_171_fall_camporee.pdf | |
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winter_backpacking_permission_slip_2020.docx | |
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2021-brochure.pdf | |
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2022_session_schedule_3.26.22.pdf | |
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OLD About - Partners PagePartner OrganizationsTroop 171 is chartered by Williamson's Chapel United Methodist Church. WCUMC's website may be reached here
The Piedmont Council's website can be found here The Gemstone District's website can be found here For information about Cub Scout Pack 171, click here For information about Cub Scout Pack 170, click here Many Troop and District events take place at: Van Hoy Family Campgrounds Allison's Woods Eagle Book Information
Eagle Scout Advisor: Mr. O'Tuel [email protected] This year's Eagle Scout Project Workbook can be found here Unit Leader: Ken Russell 117 Shoreline Loop Mooresville, NC 28117 (704)-677-2989 [email protected] Unit Committee Chair: Andrew Raddant 104 Alder Springs Lane Mooresville, NC 28117 (704)-360-2422 BSA#126531576 [email protected] Unit Advancement Coordinator: Lynn Wenger 112 Sago Lane Mooresville, NC 28117 704-578-3719 [email protected] Council Service Center: Piedmont Council BSA 1222 East Franklin Blvd. Gastonia, NC 28054 704-864-2694 District Project Approval Representative: Kenneth Manuel 1036 South Magnolia Street Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-2910 [email protected] Project Coach: Bryant O'Tuel 117 Whaling Lane Mooresville, NC 28117 704.224.5388 [email protected] Ancient Warriors resources
For access to MyScouting, a resource which allows leaders and scouts to complete certain training courses online, please click here
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Old Photos PageTroop 171 uses Shutterfly to host our photos. Please click here to view Troop 171's photos.
>> RM note - we will connect to shutterfly and instagram as a new feature in this site OLD Dues Page(link to google doc)OLD Summer Camp Page Content
Blue Ridge Scout Reservation Hiwassee, VA June 25-July 2, 2017 Where: Blue Ridge Scout Reservation (BRSR), Pulaski County, VA--about 2.5 hours from Mooresville When: Sunday, June 25 through Saturday, July 1 Cost (most programs): $345 for Scouts; $195 for adults *** Initial deposit of $100 due to the troop by 1/25/17 *** We are planning to return to BRSR this summer, based on the positive feedback we received from the Scouts who attended last year. Our camp week will be the same as last year, as well: departure Sunday, 6/25/17 and return Saturday, 7/1/17. While we anticipate that many of our Scouts will attend Merit Badge classes at Camp Powhatan, we strongly encourage our older Scouts to consider the many High Adventure programs that BRSR offers. Links to each of these programs (with videos) are provided below. New River Adventure: High Knoll Trail: Voyageur Trek: Fish Camp: Mountain Man: Claytor Lake Aquatics Base ( is another excellent camp opportunity for older Scouts. Attendance for Claytor Lake will be limited to Scouts ages 15 and up. New Scouts will participate in BRSR's Brownsea Island program at Camp Powhatan. BSI provides an introduction to Boy Scouts and the patrol method, as well as opportunities to complete many of the requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks. More information on BSI is available at Some Scouts and parents have voiced concerns that Camp Powhatan does not offer a large number of Eagle-required Merit Badges compared to Camp Ottari. Please email me ASAP and let me know if you (or your Scout) fall into this category. Adults: If you are already planning on going to camp (full-week or part-week)--or if you are most likely not going to be able to attend camp--please let me know. We had a fantastic group of AWs at camp last summer, and I think we had as much of a good time as the Scouts did. Camp fees are about the same this year as last year. However, this year there will be an additional "troop camp fee" of $20 to cover the cost of a Troop 171 Summer Camp T-shirt and some of the food-related camp expenses. Therefore, for example, cost for Powhatan will be $345 for Scouts and $195 for adults. The first payment of $100 will be due to the troop 1/23/17. We are also planning to institute a more stringent policy on deadlines for medical forms and payments this time around. All payments and medical forms (including the Form C physical) will be due no later than 6/1/17. Failure to turn everything in by this date may result in you or your Scout not being able to attend camp. Also note that after 4/1/17, we are unable to reduce our numbers with BRSR, so Scouts/adults who cancel after that date may still be responsible for the entire camp fee. Feel free to email Rob Nance at [email protected] if you have other questions or concerns. Thanks. ----------------------- FAQsDo I need to bring my own tent? The campsite at Camp Powhatan provides heavy canvas tents on platforms, with 2 Scouts per tent and a cot for each Scout. Claytor Lake has tents and cabins for the Scouts who stay there. So you will not need to bring your own tent. Some of the High Adventure programs, such as the High Knoll Trek and Voyageur Trek, do require participants to bring tents. What paperwork do I need for camp? All Scouts and adult leaders will need to provide a complete, current copy of the BSA Medical Form, including Parts A, B, and C. Part C must be completed and signed by a physician within 12 months of the first day of camp. Some of the High Adventure programs have their own forms. We will upload these forms in the near future. Do I have to take the swim test at camp? Yes. The lakes at all three sites are spring-fed and significantly cooler than Lake Norman, so BRSR requires on-site swim tests. Those Scouts and adults signed up for aquatics-related classes will take swim tests Monday morning; others will take their swim tests when we arrive at camp on Sunday. We are still planning to hold our annual picnic/swim test, as it will give Scouts and adults--especially those new to the camp--a chance to get familiar with the swim test process. --------------------------- |
For Scouts (main menu)
Class B Order Form (was main menu item, linking to GoogleForms location) High Adventure Outings
Philmont Scout Reservation Cimarron, NM Troop 171 will be travelling to Philmont in 2016. Access the Sign Up Genius page Here. National Scout Jamboree Summit Bechtel Reserve Florida Sea Base Florida Keys, FL |