Scoutmaster Message
Winter Participation Survey - 11/29/2020
This is a difficult time for an organization which plans meetings and events that bring together people from different households or social groups. We have some guidance from BSA national, from WCUMC and from NC State offices regarding quarantine procedures and orders. While each of these provide some suggestions and guidelines, each of these allows room for operation decisions to be made by the group.
Current guidelines from the state on Nov 10th have become both more restrictive (lower maximum of 10 indoor participants) and have remained the same (outdoor 50 person participation) with some clarification for indoor rooms:
Mass Gatherings are prohibited. "Mass Gathering" means an event or convening which brings together more than ten (10) people indoors or more than fifty (50) people outdoors at the same time in a single confined indoor or outdoor space. [...] In publicly accessible indoor facilities, the Mass Gathering limit applies per room of the facility. [...] At a park, beach, or trail, the outdoor Mass Gathering limit of fifty (50) people applies to each group of people that may gather together.
At this time we have two primary groups of Scouts participating in events with the Troop, individuals who prefer in-person activities and individuals who prefer online activities with a few who feel comfortable participating in either. This matches with the family life of Scouts where we see Scouts who participate in in-person school, in sporting activities, and with other social gatherings, and have others who homeschool or remote connect, avoid group activities and may who have family members with health issues which require caution and care for spreading sickness. As well, we will periodically have those who will need to quarantine themselves from in-person activities when they or someone within their direct circle has Covid and must separate from in-person activities for 14 days.
To-date during quarantine, we have had periods of either online-only or in-person only activities. During the trials of each period, one group or the other suffered from a lack of participation opportunity and inclusion in Scouting activities.
To better match the activity needs for these two groups of individuals, and to make sure there are no Scouts left out of participation opportunities, we are creating a new structure for activities. Beginning in December, the 171 Boy Troop will be reorganized into two activity groups, in-person and online participation groups. This will be a trial organization which will remain through February and will be revised as needed.
To be clear, Scouts who choose the online participation group will be welcome to attend in-person activities at any time. They may choose, for example, to attend weekly meetings online, but to participate in a camping trip. Similarly, those choosing an in-person group may decide to attend a meeting online, especially as fallback whenever they or someone in their circle is sick.
For Monday night weekly meetings, this new structure will entail that the Troop’s online meeting space will be used for the Patrols with online participants, and the in-person Patrols will meet as small groups at approved locations (preferably outdoor and following all state and Troop guidelines).
The nature of these meetings and specifics will be worked through the organization of the Senior Patrol and Patrol Leaders with the guidance of AWs and Scoutmasters. Just as these are unusual times and unprecedented circumstances, we will need an unprecedented amount of involvement and action from each Scout and from Scout Leadership to form the new structure these activity groups will take.
We begin today with a survey for each Scout and AW to complete. We need to know each of your individual preferences so that Troop leadership may take into account for decisions. Survey responses will be taken into account for assignment into activity groups and not responding may mean assignment into the online group.
If you have any questions regarding direction ahead, decisions, or in general, please reach out to me for discussions. Meanwhile, please further discuss with your Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader to let them know your opinions as well.
This is a difficult time for an organization which plans meetings and events that bring together people from different households or social groups. We have some guidance from BSA national, from WCUMC and from NC State offices regarding quarantine procedures and orders. While each of these provide some suggestions and guidelines, each of these allows room for operation decisions to be made by the group.
Current guidelines from the state on Nov 10th have become both more restrictive (lower maximum of 10 indoor participants) and have remained the same (outdoor 50 person participation) with some clarification for indoor rooms:
Mass Gatherings are prohibited. "Mass Gathering" means an event or convening which brings together more than ten (10) people indoors or more than fifty (50) people outdoors at the same time in a single confined indoor or outdoor space. [...] In publicly accessible indoor facilities, the Mass Gathering limit applies per room of the facility. [...] At a park, beach, or trail, the outdoor Mass Gathering limit of fifty (50) people applies to each group of people that may gather together.
At this time we have two primary groups of Scouts participating in events with the Troop, individuals who prefer in-person activities and individuals who prefer online activities with a few who feel comfortable participating in either. This matches with the family life of Scouts where we see Scouts who participate in in-person school, in sporting activities, and with other social gatherings, and have others who homeschool or remote connect, avoid group activities and may who have family members with health issues which require caution and care for spreading sickness. As well, we will periodically have those who will need to quarantine themselves from in-person activities when they or someone within their direct circle has Covid and must separate from in-person activities for 14 days.
To-date during quarantine, we have had periods of either online-only or in-person only activities. During the trials of each period, one group or the other suffered from a lack of participation opportunity and inclusion in Scouting activities.
To better match the activity needs for these two groups of individuals, and to make sure there are no Scouts left out of participation opportunities, we are creating a new structure for activities. Beginning in December, the 171 Boy Troop will be reorganized into two activity groups, in-person and online participation groups. This will be a trial organization which will remain through February and will be revised as needed.
To be clear, Scouts who choose the online participation group will be welcome to attend in-person activities at any time. They may choose, for example, to attend weekly meetings online, but to participate in a camping trip. Similarly, those choosing an in-person group may decide to attend a meeting online, especially as fallback whenever they or someone in their circle is sick.
For Monday night weekly meetings, this new structure will entail that the Troop’s online meeting space will be used for the Patrols with online participants, and the in-person Patrols will meet as small groups at approved locations (preferably outdoor and following all state and Troop guidelines).
The nature of these meetings and specifics will be worked through the organization of the Senior Patrol and Patrol Leaders with the guidance of AWs and Scoutmasters. Just as these are unusual times and unprecedented circumstances, we will need an unprecedented amount of involvement and action from each Scout and from Scout Leadership to form the new structure these activity groups will take.
We begin today with a survey for each Scout and AW to complete. We need to know each of your individual preferences so that Troop leadership may take into account for decisions. Survey responses will be taken into account for assignment into activity groups and not responding may mean assignment into the online group.
If you have any questions regarding direction ahead, decisions, or in general, please reach out to me for discussions. Meanwhile, please further discuss with your Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader to let them know your opinions as well.
Rank Board of Review Signup Complete your Scoutmaster Conference, and then come sign up for a Board of Review for your next Rank Advancement! Click here to request a Rank BoR Merit Badge Review Signup
When you are ready for a review with a Merit Badge Counselor sign up here! Click here request a Merit Badge review |
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